I should have known better
How many of you know your physical limitations? And actually stick to them?
During a treatment with a new client a few days ago, we starting discussing ‘stupid shit’ that people do… and how it can affect their bodies.
Have you made a new years resolution? One that you're unlikely to stick to? What the motivation for you to improve or change your lifestyle? For me, it's my bad hip....
Even for us health professionals, when things get bad enough, surgical intervention is still the best option! Just make sure you've health insurance... it really is worth the money.
i don’t write blogs
In my profession, I see people write blogs a lot – written by deep thinkers, those that are really passionate about a particular subject, are experts in their field, or they’re someone who really likes to teach… I don’t think I am any of those.
Evolve Verb: to develop gradually
If we lose our ability to adapt to our environment and lifestyle, symptoms will manifest. Whether it be illness, physical pain, or mental anguish – any drift from ‘normal’ health is usually due to our lack of ability to compensate and evolve with our surroundings.
Do you?
Apparently, when you’re writing blogs, you should build up a ‘bank’ of them- so you can post regularly and have some as a ‘back stop’ if you’re struggling for content… well, it’s been 8 weeks since I wrote the last one (which I only posted a week ago) and I’ve been putting this one off for ages.
Processed meat, red meat and cancer
3 important questions to consider - In light of the findings from the World Health Organisation, should we be worried about how much red meat we eat? Australians should be confident that red meat remains an important component of a healthy balanced diet.
Treating lower back aches by 'rethinking pain'
Key Points: New research on back pain encourages exercise, and the view that pain is a protective mechanism, not a measure of tissue damage.