Evolve Verb: to develop gradually


If we lose our ability to adapt to our environment and lifestyle, symptoms will manifest. Whether it be illness, physical pain, or mental anguish – any drift from ‘normal’ health is usually due to our lack of ability to compensate and evolve with our surroundings.

Dr Daniel Baddiley has over 13 years of clinical practice in 2 countries and numerous centres. Clinic and life experience allows Dan to relate to and understand his clients better than most, client care is his focus – being able to identify the physical and environmental stresses and strains allows Dan to not only treat your symptoms, but stop them coming back.

We aspire to be an integral part of our community, to be a ‘one stop shop’ of health, a friendly face, a quiet ear and limitless support to our friends, family and clients.

By joining the team at KettleFit, Evolve Osteopathy can really help you manage and maintain your health. Diagnosis and treatment of your ailments, coupled with expert training advice allows you and your health to truly Evolve.


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